170 children in Clonduff Park for the Annual Kellogs Cúl Camp – it was a fun-filled week (4th-8th Aug 2014) when the weather was quite kind – just a little rain on Tuesday and Friday mornings but that didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of either participants or coaches. And what an example they all were to our community and to their families! Too often we are quick to complain when things go wrong and blame our young people for all that is wrong in society but the secretary’s visit on Thursday morning saw that theory turned on its head!
A funeral was entering the church and every child was seated on the ground in a very respectful silence. The coaches then got on with their activities until the cortege emerged from the church and again the coaches and the children observed a silence until the mourners dispersed – the children just had an early lunch and you could have heard the grass growing!
Whether this is something these young coaches are actually told about and prepared for or if it was just them using their initiative in the proximity of the church and cemetery they are to be highly commended. Well done boys and girls, big and small!

By clonduffgac1887 Sun 26th May