Clonduff GAA Club has been running the Boley Quiz for a number of years initially as a Townlands Quiz but changed the format in 2011 to a ‘Family’ orientated Quiz. The Clancy Family were on the winning team in 2011 and this year Mother Clancy, Eimear and daughter Grace joined Bronagh Morgan in Team ‘Clueless’ whilst Dad Eddie and Boys joined Stephen Morgan and his sons in Team ‘Boys Aloud’ in the Clubrooms on Friday 6th July. In a fun-filled evening Eimear and little Grace obviously made the right choice and emerged winners by a narrow margin from Team ‘Ben and Me’ which was Elaine, Ben and Shay Brennan. There was a great spirit on the night and the good-natured banter and competitiveness among the teams was a joy to behold. At the end of the quiz, Quiz-Master (or is it Mistress) Anita Brannigan presented to Brannigan Family Perpetual Trophy to Eimear, Grace and Bronagh (above) and the Runner-up plaques to the Brennan Family (below left). A long standing feature of the Boley Quiz has been the ‘Wooden Spooners’ and 2012 was no different with the awards going to ‘Cabra Knowalls’ comprising McAlinden and Campbell Family Members (below right).