32 teams comprising over 320 children from 15 different clubs participated in Clonduff’s Brian McGreevy U8.5 Memorial Festival of Football in Clonduff Park on Saturday 15th June 2024. We thank one and all for their support.
The youngsters got plenty of football and in the finale of games teams that had performed equally were matched against each other for the final round of games – it ran like clockwork and finished exactly as per schedule.
Many thanks to all the teams that took part – every child and mentor was a credit to their clubs and the enjoyment was very evident.

The Volunteers

Of course these thing just don’t happen – the prior preparation does not be seen but it was very evident at the event! Many thanks to Damian, Anthony and Mark for all the work put in beforehand, for the gang of helpers on Friday night who set up the eight pitches and cleared up after; Shauna and her crew in the clubrooms, Andrea and staff in the shop; Dermot, Laurine and James in the Burger Bar and all the ‘occasional helpers’ when things got busy, not forgetting Shereen and Caroline on photography duties.

Of course, an event of such magnitude could not have flowed so effortlessly without the help of the army of volunteers on the day – referees (some as young as 15), umpires, runners, litter-pickers (down to six years old), Damian and Anthony on Admin, Mark on Announcements, The McGreevy Family for their continued support, especially Caroline who spoke on behalf of the McGreevy Family. Whilst remembering her Uncle Brian who died tragically whilst playing the game she also spoke of the most recent tragedy to strike at the heart of Clonduff Club when she remembered young dual player Lorcan Branagan who tragically lost his life in Australia a few months ago.

At the conclusion, the general consensus was that it was a truly magnificent event in every way, including the weather which just broke as people were dispersing. Buíochas le Dia!

By clonduffgac1887 Tue 2nd Jul