Congratulations to Canon Joey O’Hagan who celebrated his 100th birthday on Friday 17th June 2011. Canon Joey celebrated Mass in his home on his birthday and on Saturday 18th June the Saturday evening Mass in Cabra, where he served as a curate for 18 years, retiring just six years ago, the Mass was a celebration for Canon Joey. They was a large attendance at the Mass celebrated by Fr Cushenan and Dean Davis. The Dean, former Parish Priest and Diocesan Historian delivered a wonderful ‘This is Your Life Canon Joey’ during the Mass. The congregation was entertained to refreshments in the Cabra Hall after Mass where Canon Joey and his nieces accepted cards and well wishes of the parishioners. Many more of them Canon Joey!
The photo above shows Clonduff Secretary, Anita Brannigan presenting the Birthday Boy with a card on behalf of all in Clonduff GAC in Cabra Hall.