Many of the old faces from last year and many new faces making their debuts! Cinderella’s got a new Prince and boy do they have exciting news for us; The King (not Henry VIII) has a new Queen; The Dame’s got a new Baron but they’ve still got those same ‘Devilish Daughters’ on the hunt for unsuspecting men! Continues on Tuesday and Wednesday night 6th & 7th January @ 8pm in INF Hall
Clonduff GAA Club would sincerely like to thank all those who gave up their time to put the production on the road – producer/writer/actress Mary Grant, all the actors, actresses, entertainers, set designers and builders, stage management, lighting, sound, costume makers/alterations, prompters, make-up artists, front of house and catering staff, programme/poster producer, etc. A special word of thanks to INF Hilltown for use of premises, E2A Banbridge for lend of stage, backdrop and coach; Warrenpoint Panto Club for lend of costumes; Eileen McCusker for additional costumes; St Patrick’s Primary School for painting scenery and backdrops and a host of people who helped behind the scene throughout rehearsals and before and after the show. The show couldn’t go on without such a combined effort!