Clare (white helmet) embraces her sister Katie after Ulster Final 2019 (Daddy didn’t leave them to find their own way home that day)
Name: Clare McGilligan
Age: 22
1. When did you make your senior debut? Sometime in 2014
2. Favourite position? Wing half back
3. Favourite pitch? Don’t really have one, a pitch is a pitch to me🤷♀️
4. Childhood hero? Fionnuala and Sara Louise – class having them as my cousins to look up to
5. What’s your most favourite game you’ve been involved in? All Ireland Final is an obvious choice, but close second is Down Semi Final v Ballygalget in Kilclief 2018 – down by 7 or 8 at half time we turned it around and the rest is history
6. And a game to forget? All Ireland semi v Galitir earlier this year (2020)
7. Biggest achievement in Camogie? Winning All Ireland in March 2019, don’t think that will ever be topped
8. You can transfer in one player from across the country, who? If Lizzie coming home from Doha counted I’d pick her! Other than that, Shannon Graham from Slaughtneil
9. And transfer one out? Wouldn’t want to lose anyone
10. Who is the best trainer in the squad? Everyone works hard! Nicola stands out as someone who sets a standard probably without even realising it
11. Who is the worst trainer in the squad? No one!!
12. Favourite manager you’ve played under? Current management (Damien, Daddy, Graffin and Ross)
13. Who is the manager’s pet? They all love Cara Boden but have a feeling Jenna might overtake her now that she’s home
14. Club volunteer of note? Camogie committee are first class, special shout-out to Mum who is never off the road with coaching as well
15. Best thing about Clonduff? Just how dead-on everyone is
16. How would you like to be remembered in the club? As someone who gave it their all and encouraged even just one young girl to start playing
17. If you could give one piece of advice to the youth, what would it be? That winning is class but it isn’t everything, the friendships and the craic you have are what make playing sport so enjoyable
18. After a bad performance, who feels the wrath more at home, you, Katie or Guinevra?
Katie and I probably equal, will never forget daddy left us in Longstone after a bad performance and we had to make our own way home 😂