A big contingent of Clonduffians attended both the Down Pre-match Breakfast in The Canal Court on Wednesday morning (15th September) and also the Post-match Banquet in the City West Hotel on Sunday evening (19th September). Pictured here are some of the Clonduffians in The City West Hotel. Back row (l to r) Aoibheann Downey, Sheenagh McConville, Niall Rafferty, Colum Lynch, Johnny McPolin, Cathy McPolin, P J McGreevy, Sean McGreevy, Sean Spires (took his holidays from San Francisco to coincide with the All Ireland Final), Mary McGreevy, Brian McGreevy, Francis Quinn, Jerry Quinn; Front row (l to r) Leann McParlan, Maura Quinn, Brian Canavan, Pauline O’Donaghue, Anita Brannigan, Marie Walls, Tommy. There were lots of other families represented including Carrs, O’Hagans, Browns, McConvilles, Downeys – we are hopeful of getting more photographs of the weekend including the Homecoming on Monday nights when hundreds of supporters gathered at Clonduff’s new Car Park and the Church Cark Park to pay tribute to the boys who gave us such joy throughout the summer. The players travelled on board an open top bus. Chairman, Brian McGreevy welcomed and congratulated them and Aidan Carr responded on behalf of the players.