27th September brought an end to the Juvenile Camogie training season with the annual Parish League. A great success and the few rain showers didn’t dampen their enthusiasm and some great camogie was played but more importantly a lot of fun was had. Many thanks to the parents and for their support throughout the year and for helping out with managing teams on the evening.
Thanks also to the older girls who also assisted with the refereeing and managing. To the committee for the much appreciated refreshments after the games.

Thanks also to the ladies and gentlemen who acted as Covid Supervisors throughout the year. Finally, thanks to all the coaches for giving up their time, commitment and expertise. Should there be 5 or 15 at training they still need to be there. With the success of the U13s and U15s and the great display from the younger ones this evening, the future is bright for Clonduff Camogie.

By clonduffgac1887
Mon 18th Oct