Clonduff has been involved in the Ulster GAA Club Maith Award since they piloted the scheme back in 2007. Club Maith Bronze Award was tied into the SportNI ClubMark Award which is an essential criteria for clubs applying for grants from SportNI. This became an online portfolio from January 2018 and again Clonduff, who were due to renew, was to the forefront and became the first Club to complete it. They were duly awarded the ClubMark at the first attempt (they will aim to retain the Platinum Club Maith). Declan Steele from SportNI visited Clonduff in September 2018 to present the award and is pictured with Chairman Padraig Matthews, Secretary Anita Brannigan and former Chairman Jimmie Cousins – Anita and Jimmie collated and uploaded the documents to the portfolio.
At the time of the presentation the U6 and U8 boys and girls were being filmed for a promotional video for SportNI.