Captain Conor McCumisky lifted the Cup to rapturous applause where all 13 Clonduff boys basked in the summer sunshine of delight! It was a truly fitting conclusion to a super day’s football (Saturday 23rd May 2015) where all the great skills of Gaelic football were on display. In particular, The Yellas support play and inter-passing game was what impressed most enabling a more complete team performance – team-work at its best!
In the final The Yellas were pitted against a real quality, well-drilled, big Bredagh team who had defeatd them in the group stages. No motivating pre-match team talk was needed. Spurred on by each other’s encouragement they powered their way to a convincing victory where possession football frustrated the Bredagh outfit enabling the Yellas to keep the pressure on the opposition defence to a point where they finally gave way. Final score: Clonduf 1-3 Bredagh 0-2.
Team [pictured with mentors Sean Cowan (l), Mark Dursley (back, centre), Michel Fitzpatrick (r)]: Connor Grant, Aaron Gribben, Shea Morgan. Ronan Matthews, James Brannigan, Luke Fitzpatrick, Max Dursley, Aaron Norris, Shane Close, Patrick Cowan, Conor McCumisky, Oisin Logan, Dan Rafferty.

By clonduffgac1887 Mon 22nd Apr