It was the turn of our U6 LGFA to travel and play in their first blitz on Saturday 23rd September – the previous week they had played at the interval in the Senior Ladies Championship game at home. And when these girls travel, they go BIG…with more that 24+ girls donning the yella jersey for a great morning of football.

All these little ladies have shown such progress from their first sessions in March.

With 3 teams on the go, each team played Liatriom (the host team), Clann na Banna and Bryansford. In each game it was clear to see the confidence grow. It was wonderful to see, at such a young age, the talent that we have for the future.

The coaches would like to thank Liatroim for the invitation to such a well organised blitz.

Thank you to Jackie Brown for such great photos and to our parents for encouraging their little ladies each week to come to training. It has all paid off!


By clonduffgac1887 Mon 25th Sep