The original Novelty Act – ‘A Famine Story’ penned by Caroline McGreevy, contrasting the ‘then and now’ lives of Irish children won over both the audience and the the adjudicator to be crowned South Down Champions. The Instrumental Music group comprising the Magee Family with Jordan came a very close second as did Sinead in her adaptation from ‘A Star Called Henry’. All three will be appearing in the County Finals in St Malachy’s High School Castlewellan on Saturday 11th March commencing 4pm and we wish you well.
Equally as good, but because of the limitation of only two qualifiers per competitions, were our two Solo Singers Jordan and Shannon and reciter Beibhinn! You all represented yourselves, your families and your club with great distinction! So well done to you all and to your mentors. Keep up the great work!!
The Three Clonduff acts competed in the County Final on 11th March in St Mark’s High School, Warrenpoint – switched at the last minute from St Malachy’s due to the heavy snow in Castlewellan. Despite putting on excellent performances, we didn’t have any County Champions.