Despite the snow covering the mountains in the background, the sky was blue, the sun shone and there was a definite buzz in the air in Clonduff Park at midday on Easter Tuesday (2nd April 2013) when around 120 youngsters and their adults turned up to help free the Easter Bunny that had been kidnapped some time in the week before Easter.
They followed the trail picking up clues and Easter Eggs along the way, spotted and captured the kidnapper and freed the bunny! Back in the clubrooms again there was a welcome cup of tea/coffee, face painting (Thanks Maureen, Karen, Ciara and Lisa), colouring in, Easter Bonnet Parade and distribution of prizes. Every child and adult received an Easter Egg and by all accounts a magnificent time was had by all! Hopefully this will be the first of many such events!
A major Thank You to the Cultural and Community sub committee of Clonduff GAA Club who organised the event; to Maria, Plunkett, Thomas, Charlie, Leo, Sean, Kathleen and other club personnel (and their family members) who helped in any way on Easter Monday or Tuesday – it wouldn’t have happened without this combined effort!