Clonduff GAA Club organised the third-in-a-row Parish Pantomime and when the curtain finally came down in INF Hall on Wednesday 9th December 2015 the house was packed out and everyone had thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The Pantomime was adapted and produced by Mary Grant – The cast is pictured above but there was equally as many non-actors involved in the production without whose help the show would not have taken place. Many thanks to the actors, non-actors and the INF for their assistance in the production.
The actors pictured above include: Caitlin Branagan (Snow White), Mary Grant (Momsy Womsy), Eileen McCusker (Wicked Queen Kelly), Desmond Doyle (jnr), Noel Carvill, Michael Grant, PJ McGinn, John Doyle, Patrick Bradley, Sean Francis Grant (the Dwarfs – Smarty, Cranky, Sniffy, Lazy, Tipsy, Dipsy, Campy respectively), Colm McGinn (Muddles the Jester), Martin Farnon (Town Crier), Dessie Doyle, snr (Herman the Henchman), Nina Murtagh (Fairy Good Heart), Cassie Fitzpatrick (Prince), Kitty Fegan (Mirror/Storyteller), Eugene Lively (Barman), Aaron Devlin, Liam Grant, Ethan Harper, Ally Magee, Beth Fitzpatrick, Cara Boden (Villagers/Courtiers), Paul Kelly, Tony Magee, Darragh McSloy, Ellen Kelly (Music Makers), Brian McPolin, Bernice McAleenan (Dancers)
The ‘Behind the Scenes’ Crew included: Paddy McCumiskey, Tommy Kelly, Anthony Morgan, Peter Hamill, Dermot McSherry (Set Building/Stage Management), Maureen Killen (Set Design/Painting), Paddy Mackin – ‘Mini Mac’ (Lighting/Sound/Music), May McCaffrey (Hemming/Stitching/Sewing), Maureen Killen, Deirdre Killen, Marian Fitzpatrick, Nina Murtagh, Cathy Fitzpatrick (Make-up and costumes), Eileen Hamill, Bernice McAleenan, Roisin McConville, Sinead Doyle, Ursula Quinn (Prompters), Kathleen Cousins, Maura Quinn, Patricia Grant, Maureen Rooney (Catering), Lorraine Bloomfield, Anita Brannigan, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Leo Bloomfield, Majella Kelly, Kieran Kelly (Front of House). The whole thing was brought together and co-ordinated by Clonduff Cultural & Community Officer Jimmie Cousins.