A group of 45, U14s and U16s set out on Sunday to visit Croke Park and take in the sights and sounds of our National Stadium. All codes were represented with Football, Hurling, Camogie, Ladies Football and Handball.
Following the cancellation of our Juvenile Awards Night, all eyes were on the weather but with club colours on we all departed from the Clubrooms on a brisk morning in expectation of an entertaining day. Following a quick stop at the AppleGreen Station the bus made it’s way through the traffic of the Capital and towards Croke Park.
The tour started with a behind the scenes video of Croke on the first and third Sunday in September. From here is was round to view the Players Lounge where the rival teams meet up post match. The dressing rooms were opportunity to hear stories of the habits and superstitions of each team as they prepare for the big game whether it was Joe Kiernan throwing his losers medal against the wall or the All-Ireland winning Dublin Team cleaning the dressing rooms up before they left. As the atmosphere builds and the nerves level increase the knock comes on the door to say it’s time and it’s out through the tunnel and the PITCH.
Photographs were taken on the Hogan Stand and an opportunity to dream of the day when you lift the cup and make the winners speech. Our U16 manager, Ross Carr, was able to remind our youngers players of those two great September Sunday’s in 1991 and 1994. From here it was round to the Canal End and a chance to avail of some refreshments and look out over the magnificent pitch and dream of great days in the future where Clonduff Boys and Girls will wear the Yellow Gold of Clonduff or the Red and Black of Down.
Our tour was concluded in the Stadium Museum and a chance to practice some of the skills of our games and view the extensive memorabilia. This was a very enjoyable day for all that were there and we all look forward to the next time.